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My advice to all who read this letter:
If you are lost without Jesus as your Savior, I ask that you give your life to Jesus Christ so that you will not have to go through the Tribulation Period. For those who find yourselves in the Tribulation Period, give your life to Jesus Christ and be faithful to Him unto the end of your life. Then your soul will enter heaven and live eternally with Him.
You can accept Jesus Christ as your Savior by praying this simple prayer of repentance and devotion to Christ:
A Prayer of Salvation and Becoming a Christian:
Lord, Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. I am a sinner and repent of my sins. I ask You to come into my heart and live with me. Be the Lord of my life, which means I will serve you with all of my heart the rest of my life and will obey what You tell me to do. Amen.
If you prayed this prayer in faith, believing Jesus saved you, you are saved and are a Christian.
Letters To The Martyrs
Letter #7 - Stay True To The Prophesies Given About You
To The Christian Martyrs of the Tribulation:
In the Last Days, God is pouring out His Spirit upon some of us, giving
us visions and dreams about how nobly, confidently and peacefully you die
for Christ. Stay true to these prophesies about you by dying nobly with
confidence and with the peace of Jesus Christ.
Paul gave Timothy this advice and later Timothy would die as a martyr for
Christ very nobly in the strength that God gave him.
1 Timothy 1:18-19:
18. Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the
prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may fight
the good fight,
19. holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these
and so have shipwrecked their faith
I encourage you martyrs with those same words… Keep “with the prophecies
once made about you, so that by following them you may fight the good
fight, holding on to faith and a good conscience…”
We have had prophecies given to us about you, how you died nobly for
Christ. Do obey that prophecy about you. Your fight is not like the
world fights with swords, guns and weapons of destruction. Your fight is
sharing the Gospel with others and dying nobly for the cause of Christ
with the peace Jesus gives you.
These prophecies given to us about you prove that you will die faithfully for the cause of Jesus Christ. Keep the faith of Christ until the end of your life. The suffering you have to endure will only last a little while as compared to eternity with Jesus your Lord.
The visions and dreams we have had of some of you gave us great pride in knowing that you were not only living faithfully until the end of your lives, but also you were visited by Jesus Himself and He gave you His peace that passes all understanding. That peace is greater than the insults that will be given to you. That peace is stronger than the tortures you will have to endure. That peace will be greater than the painful death you will have to endure.
You are God’s children. Sons and daughters of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! His peace will help you overcome all trials you will have to face. It is in His strength that we overcome.
1 John 5:4:
4. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith.
You will overcome the world by your faith in God and Jesus Christ. Jesus will give you victory as you exercise your faith in Him to help you endure the pain and suffering of your trials.
We have seen some of your deaths, but we have also seen your courage during your trials of death. This has blessed our hearts knowing you were trusting in Jesus and He gave you His peace in knowing you were found worthy to endure the sufferings you are about to suffer.
God bless you as you live in the strength of Jesus Christ, with His peace upon you, by your faith in Him.