
Apocalypse Horse Painting by Sharlene Lindskog - Osorio - See her web site at:    

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Enlightening Minds To The Truth Of The Last Days

To all Christians:



Through a series of signs God gave me a distinct message to His Church.


I was driving to work four different days and God showed me through six different signs at what stage we are in the history of God’s time table and the Lord gave me a distinct message to Christians from the Lord.


Sign #1:


I was driving and saw a rainbow.  It was a double rainbow, but it was not a full rainbow by any means.  The main rainbow was larger and more distinct than the second one.  God is sending double rainbows to warn the world of His second promise the promise of Jesus’ second coming.


The first rainbow God gave Noah to signify that God would never destroy the earth by flood again.  But the story of Noah tells us how God saved Noah and his family from the first destruction of the people of the earth.  Jesus’ double rainbows are telling us that His second time of redemption to take His Bride away to heaven is coming.


Now the odd thing about the rainbow I saw on this particular day is how quickly it went away.  One moment I saw it and as I watched traffic, and other parts of the sky momentarily, when I looked back at the double rainbow, it was gone.  Not a trace of it in the sky.


I was disappointed because I love to see rainbows.  It always reminds me of God’s promise to mankind.  But the rainbow left so quickly.  


God spoke to my heart that His second coming is coming very soon and it will come and go quickly and catch many by surprise, just as this rainbow surprised me in disappearing so fast.  


Christians who are not faithful in fulfilling the Great Commission and who are not watching for Jesus’ coming will be left behind to endure the Tribulation Period.  Jesus warned His Church of this so many times.  Christians have very little time to witness to a dying world lost without Jesus Christ.  Christians have very little time to repent of their laziness of not witnessing to others before Jesus comes and takes that opportunity of repentance away.  


The message here is that Christians are to be faithfully witnessing for Christ and winning souls for God’s kingdom.  For those who are not faithful to Christ, repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness.  I don’t want any Christian or anyone else trapped in the Tribulation Period with no escape once that time period begins.  For those who are faithful to Christ witnessing as He commanded us, God is ready to accept you into His kingdom with open arms.


To summarize the first sign, it was a double rainbow that left very quickly signifying Jesus’ second coming… it is coming very soon and it will come and go quickly catching the Apostate, lazy Church, who is not witnessing faithfully or watching for Jesus’ coming, by surprise.  Those who fit into this category will be left behind to go through the Tribulation Period.  Only those who are faithfully obeying Jesus Christ will go up in the rapture.  The time of rapture is coming very soon.


Sign #2:


Just after the double rainbow had gone I saw a dark cloud to the west.  It was shaped like a dragon.  Although this may sound silly, but the cloud looked like a perfect black dragon that covered a large portion of the sky.


God spoke to my heart again.  Immediately after the rapture is the time of Satan the dragon.  For seven years the dragon will seek and destroy as many souls as he can during the 7-year Tribulation Period.  Church, we have little time left to reach a lost world for Jesus Christ.  Sinner, you have little time to repent of your sins and give your life to Christ.


To summarize the second sign, the time of Satan the dragon is near.  


Sign #3:


As I continued to travel to work, it became dark.  God spoke to my heart one more time.  Not only will the Tribulation Period be the time of Satan and the Antichrist’s rule on the earth, it will be a time period for the kingdom of darkness to rule the earth.  All Christians, during the Tribulation Period, will die.  Mankind will live the worst sins of all time during the Tribulation Period, Satan’s time of victory over many millions if not billions of souls who live during that time.


To summarize the third sign, the dark sky that followed the rainbow and the dragon-shaped cloud is the sign of the darkness of Satan’s reign over the earth that is coming very soon.


Sign #4:


On another day, on the way to work, I passed by a field that harvested hay.  A farmer had gathered so many of the large bails of hay in nice rows.  It was a beautiful sight.  I grew up around farm country, so I have an admiration of fields of grain and harvest that comes from childhood memories.


God spoke to my heart very clearly again.  The time of the last harvest is now, before the rapture takes place.  What souls will be saved before the rapture and the time for Christians to repent and to begin obeying God in witnessing to a lost world is now.  We have one last chance before Jesus comes again to gain as many souls that will enter heaven through the door of rapture before that door of escape is opened and closed and the rest of mankind will have to endure the terrible events of the Tribulation Period.  And this will not only include the ungodly, but many thousands of Christians who are disobedient to Christ through their ungodly living or laziness as to the Great Commission to reach a lost world for Christ.


To summarize the fourth sign, we have one small window of time before Christ comes again to witness for Jesus Christ and gains souls for His kingdom.  The last harvest before Christ’s coming is now.  What souls will be saved, what Christians hearts will change in repentance… the time is now before it is too late.  


Sign #5:


As I drove by that same field of harvested hay, the next day, the hay in that field was gone.  The farmer, in one day, had gathered up the large round bails of hay and had taken them away.


God spoke another message to me.  I immediately said in my mind as I looked across at the empty field, “The harvest is over. ” Time for gaining more souls for God’s kingdom, before the rapture, will be gone very quickly, very soon.


To summarize the fifth sign, the time of harvest is almost over.  It will be over soon.  The Church of God needs to witness like never before in strength, power, unity and in a strong force to reach the last souls that will be saved before the rapture of the faithful Christians into heaven.


Sign #6:


A few days after the first double rainbow I saw, there was another rainbow in the sky.  This time it was the most brilliant rainbow I have ever seen.  The unique thing about this rainbow is that it was a full rainbow.  I could see it from one side of the rainbow touching the ground to the other side of the rainbow touching of the ground in the brightest brilliance.


I have seen very few full rainbows in my lifetime.  Most have been partial ones.  The Lord spoke very clearly again to my heart.  After the time of darkness comes the greatest of victorious times in all of history… the time when Jesus Christ reigns over the earth and the heavens in His fullness and in the greatness of power as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!


In Revelation 11:15 proclaims this time period although it fully takes place in Revelation 19 and 21 with the return of Christ the third time and the time when He creates the new heaven and earth.


Revelation 11:15:


15.  “Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!””


To summarize the sixth sign, the full rainbow in it’s brilliance signifies Christ coming in His fullness to rule the nations forever and ever.


We have a lot to look forward to, those who are the Bride of Christ and the saints of past generations.  We will reign with Christ for an eternity.  Jesus Christ will shine in His brilliance as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Photo by Kelly DeLay -



This is the full Rainbow I saw.  Kelly DeLay took a picture of the exact rainbow I saw and allowed me to let all of you enjoy it.  Make sure you remember it's significance to our day and time...  Jesus is coming soon in His fullness.  But, before that will be the Tribulation Period, the worst time in all of mankind's history.  Christians, witness for Christ and be watching for Jesus' coming.  Those without Christ, give your life to Him today.


The Summary of the Message From the Lord:


To summarize the message from the Lord, every Christian who has not been faithful in witnessing for Christ, needs to repent of their laziness and disobedience to the Great Commission Jesus gave to all Christians.  Here is the Great Commission for you to understand the Christian responsibility.


Matthew 28:19-20:


19.  ““Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20.  "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. ” Amen. ”


Just start where you are and witness to those around you.


I want to close with this thought.  How many people have you witnessed to lately or ever?  I hope Jesus Christ will be pleased with your witnessing to others.  If you know He will not be pleased with your witnessing or lack of witnessing, repent and begin witnessing for Jesus Christ and His kingdom.  The time for your repentance is almost over.  The last harvest for the kingdom of Jesus Christ, before His return, is almost over.


If Jesus is pleased with your witnessing for His kingdom, Praise God for your faithfulness in witnessing for His kingdom!


For those who are lost without Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus today.   How to Become a Christian.



I Am Proclaiming The Kingdom Of God To You