
Apocalypse Horse Painting by Sharlene Lindskog - Osorio - See her web site at:    

Enlightening Minds To The Truth Of The Last Days

Copyright © 2007-2015  Richter Cox      All rights reserved.     

Richter Cox - My Heart’s Desire...

Although my focus will be different now, as God is directing me a little differently in my ministry, my heart’s desire, still, is for people to know the truth about the correct way to become a Christian, the End Times, including revealing the Antichrist and his systems.  I want you to understand the importance of obeying Christ, as a Christian, to witness to others about salvation.  To those without Christ or are disobedient to Him, I encourage you to give your lives to Jesus before the Tribulation Period comes.  If you don’t, you will go through the Tribulation Period, the worst time in all of history.  Millions of people will die during that time and I want you to be spared from those terrible times.  How do you escape the Tribulation Period?  You must give your heart to Jesus Christ as your Savior and obey Christ in living for Him, witness to others and watch for His coming.  Jesus will come and take faithful Christians to heaven before the Tribulation Period.


My heart goes out to the billions of people who will have to go through the Tribulation Period.  I have written Letters To The Martyrs that are written to those martyrs in the future who will have to endure the Tribulation Period.  My prayer is that you become a Christian before that time period and serve Jesus Christ faithfully so that you will not have to endure the Tribulation Period.  If you find yourself living during the Tribulation Period, give your heart to Jesus Christ and serve Him faithfully until the end of your life.

Richter Cox - Ordained Minister

I am an ordained Baptist minister.  I was called into the ministry in 1995, but even before that I taught Sunday School and was active in missions.  As a pastor, I enjoy leading God’s flock into a deeper relationship with God.  As a teacher of God’s Word, I like to see people changed by increased knowledge of God, His ways and His truths.  As an evangelist, I enjoy sharing the great news about Jesus Christ with others and His saving power over sin and His power of light that overcomes the kingdom of darkness.  My family and I live in Texas.

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